The Office for Cadastre and Geodetic Affairs performs tasks related to: establishment, management and maintenance of the real estate cadastre, land cadastre, infrastructure cadastre, register of buildings and register of spatial units, review and confirmation of geodetic studies, revision and maintenance of permanent geodetic points and issuance of data on them, issuing data and public documents of the state survey, real estate cadastre and land cadastre, infrastructure cadastre, register of buildings and register of spatial units, determination of house numbers, provision of geodetic services related to the performance of geodetic works related to changes in land use, identification in procedures resolution of property relations for state administration bodies without field inspection and processing of official data for state and local administration bodies, collection and processing of all data and reporting to the Central Office of the State Geodetic Administration and other tasks assigned to it.
Cadastral records are kept by the regional office of the State Geodetic Administration in the city of Pag.
Citizens in offices can;
- Download a copy of the cadastral plan
- Take over the title deed
- Download certificates in certificates based on recorded cadastral data
- Review and confirm geodetic studies
Maps with cadastral parcels within cadastral municipalities and details about these parcels can be found on the official pages of the cadastre.
More information about it on the unique portal of cadastre and land registers - Regulated land;
Cadastral records are kept by the regional office of the State Geodetic Administration in the city of Pag.
Citizens in offices can;
- Download a copy of the cadastral plan
- Take over the title deed
- Download certificates in certificates based on recorded cadastral data
- Review and confirm geodetic studies
Maps with cadastral parcels within cadastral municipalities and details about these parcels can be found on the official pages of the cadastre.
More information about it on the unique portal of cadastre and land registers - Regulated land;
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